Hands Off Venezuela Auction 2005
- 19 May 2005

- a liftshare, from one city to another or helping someone move house
- travel books on Venezuela or book vouchers
- Spanish lessons e.g. six evening lessons at beginner's / basic level
- a cooked meal for two
- music lessons
- one day's housework or gardening help
The donated items don't necessarily have to have a link to Venezuela. You can offer your time instead of a specific item.
The auction items will be listed on our website You can send donation offers and advance bids to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The auction will be held on Saturday June 25th at the rampART centre, London as part of a Hands Off Venezuela dayschool/party.
Download this announcement as a PDF file and distribute it!
The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign is a broad-based campaign, established to raise awareness about Venezuela. The campaign provides information about the situation in the country, including the positive social changes currently taking place and promotes links with groups in other countries.
The rampART Creative Centre and Social Space hosts a variety of cultural and political events. It is located at 15-17 Rampart Street (off Commerical Road), London E1 2LA.