These are the signatures from American trade unionists and workers to the appeal to the U.S. government to stay out of Venezuela.
Jenny Peshut, AFSCME Local 82 and Industrial Workers of the World [IWW] Lucy Parsons Bolivarian Circle
Brad Sigal, AFSCME Local 3800, Treasurer
Jeff Pilacinski, IWW, AFSCME
Richard Mellor, AFSCME, Retired rank and file member and official
Nick Neumann, IWW
Michael Eisenscher, American Federation of Teachers Local 1603
Bill Onasch, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1287, Retired Vice-President
Brandon Lovejoy, Inland Boatman's Union & Sailors Union of the Pacific
Michael Hureaux Perez, National Education Association, Seattle, Proxy Building Representative
Teresa Gutierrez, Committee in Defense of Immigrants/IAC
Joe Piette, National Association of Letter Carriers
Bryan G. Pfeifer, Graduate Employee Organization-UAW Local 2322
Sako Sefiani, American Federation of Teachers Local 1521(AFL/CIO), Professor
John Reimann, Carpenters Union Local 713 (expelled member), former Recording Secretary
Bob McCubbin, California Teachers Association
Albert Grigorian, Teamsters, Inventory controller
J. Wade Hannon, TRADE College professor, North Dakota Public Employees
Association, AFT Local 4660,AFL-CIO, Member, Board of Directors &
Chapter 42 President
Lewis Lubka, Retired College professor, North Dakota Higher Education Association, NEA, Retired
Mike McCallister, National Writers Union/United Auto Workers Local 1981, former Membership/Organizing Director, At-Large Unit
Steve Gillis, USWA Local 8751, President, Boston School Bus Union
Allyson Kennis, National Education Association, IEA local 143
Jerry Silberman, Penna. Association of Staff Nurses
Anthony Budak, IUE-CWA Local 717, Local Executive Board 15 years, Local and National Bargaining Committee 4 years, now retired
Lewis Lubka, Retired National Education Association
Cathleen A. Higgins, member of MOSES
Corrado Cotumaccio, Staff Employees Union, Local 509, Strategic Campaign Research
Russell Ford, UFCW Local 655, Fenton Mo
Jon Flanders, past President International Association of Machinists , Local 1145
Gabriel Camacho, Massachusetts, UNITE-HERE Local 66; Labor Council for
Latin American Advancement, Mass. State Chapter President
Mr. B. Kelly, New Milford, NEA-Danbury, Educator
David Walters, Pacifica, IBEW 1245, shop steward
Jonathan Nack, Oakland, CA, IWW
Fred Hirsch, San Jose, California, Plumbers & Fitters Local 393, Vice President
Andy Griggs, Los Angeles, United Teachers Los Angeles, AFT 1021, Chair, Human Rights Committee
Thomas Stadelmann, Plymouth, Educator MTA
Sheila Collins, New Rochelle, NY, American Federation of Teachers, Professor
Jim Jordan, Trumbull Co. Vienna, NEA
stanley Aronowitz, New York City, American Federation of Teachers,
Professional Staff Congress, University wide officer, member of the
executive council
Guerry Hoddersen, Seattle, Political Staff Workers Union Local #1
Will Johnston, Tulsa, Transportation Workers Union local 514
Glenn Burleigh, St. Louis, MO, CWA, Organizer
Ann E. MacKinnon, Lee, N.H., American Postal Workers Union, Postal Clerk
Martha Bushnell, Boulder, CO USA, self employed, Home Maker
Jack Radey, Eugene, Oregon, Associate Producer
Jeremy Prickett, Oakland, IAM Local 389, former elected trustee
Matthew K. Owen, San Bernardino, CA, ACORN
Paula Sirola, Los Angeles, SAGE-UAW
Jaime Solares, the main leader of the Bolivian Workers’ Union (COB), the country’s trade union confederation, together with Bolivia’s most important trade union and social movement leaders have signed the "Open Letter to US trade unionists".
The Open Letter, launched by the Hands Off Venezuela campaign, draws attention to the belligerent statements of the Bush administration against Venezuela and warns that this is the kind of language that in the past has been used to prepare for war and intervention. The Open Letter therefore calls on trade unionists in the US to put pressure on Washington to prevent any further US interference in Venezuela.
Among the Bolivian leaders signing the appeal are Miguel Zubieta, the main leader of the Bolivian Miners’ Trade Union Federation (FSMTB); Angel Durand, leader of the Landless Peasants Movement (MST); Felipe Quispe "El Mallku", leader of the Pachacutik Indian Movement (MIP) and one of the country’s most respected Indian leaders; Abel Mamani, the leader of the El Alto Neighbourhood Juntas Federation, which played a key role in the mobilisations which brought down the Sanchez Lozada government in October 2003; and Carlos Luna, the leader of the El Alto State University Students Centre (UPEA). Also signing the appeal are three of the country’s most well known political prisoners: the Colombian peasant leader Pacho Cortés, who has already spent two years in jail wrongly accused of "narco-terrorism"; Gabriel Pinto, leader of the MST who has already been in jail for nearly a year, accused of having participated in the Ayo-Ayo uprising; and Marcelino Jancko, a founding member of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), leader of the Chaparé peasants and jailed since April 2003 on trumped up charges of "carrying explosives". The Peruvian militant Cesar Zelada, coordinator of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign in Perú, who also spent three months in jail in Bolivia on trumped up charges of "carrying explosives" also signs the appeal.
As part of this campaigning work the Hands Off Venezuela supporters in the union organised a fringe meeting on Saturday evening to highlight the revolutionary process in this Latin American country and to rally support for Venezuela against the threat of imperialist intervention on the part of the USA. There was a thorough debate at the meeting with those taking part asking a lot of questions about what is happening in Venezuela.
On Sunday May 15, a delegate for General Industries, and also a Hands Off Venezuela supporter, Espe Espigares presented a resolution that appealed to the conference and the union as a whole to pledge support for “the revolutionary movement of the Venezuelan people in their struggle for socialist equality and justice” and also for the Hands Off Venezuela campaign.
She explained how the USA is pointing the finger at Venezuela as rogue state, but she answered this by giving facts and figures about what the Bolivarian revolution is actually achieving for the poor masses, including the literacy campaign, healthcare etc. And she added that these are the kinds of policies we would like to see here in Britain, and therefore it is the duty of the labour movement in Britain and throughout the world to support the Venezuelan revolution.
This resolution was passed with a massive 521 votes in favour. This represents 97% of the conference delegates. On the basis of this resolution the Hands Off Venezuela campaign can now officially circulate its message of solidarity with the Venezuelan revolution among the members of one of the biggest trade unions in Europe with 1.2 million members. The Chair of the conference explained that the Venezuelan question was a very important issue and it is important that the union is now taking it on board.
During the 5-day conference delegates and some Brighton based supporters of the campaign collected hundreds of signatures for the “Open letter to US trade unions”. Importantly, among the signatories were Derek Simpson, the General Secretary of the union, as well as several members of the NEC, including Bill Spiers, Meurig Thomas, John Oliver, Steve Davison (Chair of Amicus), Dave Hutchinson, Jane Stewart, Colin Walker, Dean Taylor, Eddie Grimes and Howard Turner. Among the international visitors C.H. Venkatachalam, the General Secretary of the All India Bank Employees’ association also signed up.
This decision of Amicus comes after a number of other important unions in Britain have already pledged support for the Bolivarian revolution and for the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. Amongst those is the railway workers union RMT, the firefighters FBU, the transport union TGWU, the journalists union NUJ and the college lecturers union NATFHE.
Now we need to build on this successful intervention at Amicus conference and reach out to more trade unions with the message of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign.
Here we publish the text of the resolution that was passed.
This Conference deplores the intents of the United States to intervene in the internal life of Venezuela. Two attempts have been made to overthrow the democratically elected Government of Hugo Chavez and behind these attempts has been the hand of the CIA. Conference pledges its support to the revolutionary movement of the Venezuelan people in their struggle for socialist equality and justice. Furthermore Conference pledges support to the “Hands Off Venezuela Campaign” which seeks to promote awareness of what is happening in Venezuela.
The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign (London) is organising an event to support a delegation to the 16th World Festival of Students and Youth, in August in Caracas, Venezuela. It will include an auction, raffle, day school (of talks and salsa classes), music and a party.
If you would like to help, we are looking for auction/raffle donations and bids. The donated items don't necessarily have to have a link to Venezuela and they can be an offer of time rather than an item. Our donated items include:
Spanish lessons
coffee from Columbia and Cuba
rum from Venezuela
professional massage session
day of chauffeuring services
sessions of Chinese healing art Qigong
The donated items don't necessarily have to have a link
to Venezuela. You can offer your time instead of a specific
The auction items will be listed on our website and can be downloaded as a PDF file. You can send donation offers and advance bids to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The auction will be held on Saturday June 25th at the rampART centre, London as part of a Hands Off Venezuela dayschool/party.
Download this announcement as a PDF file and distribute it!
Thanks to our sponsors!
Latin Quarter
On May 7, the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign made a presentation at the 1st annual Winnipeg Social Forum, held at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Joining some 60 people who had participated in a full day of presentations, workshops, discussions, musicians, food, and street theatre, the supporters of Hands Off Venezuela and Fightback participated in a lively discussion on the important issue of Venezuela. Cy Gonick of SMAC facilitated the session.
John Peterson, from the U.S. HOV campaign, briefly introduced the film "Venezuela Bolivariana", an overview of events in Venezuela from the 1989 "Caracazo" uprising to the aftermath of the 2002 coup against democratically-elected President Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, the film was cut short. Peterson picked up where the film left off, bringing the audience up to the present situation in Venezuela. Many questions were asked after his introduction, and many in the enthusiastic and attentive audience expressed an interest in forming a Winnipeg HOV committee. Peterson also informed the audience of the World Festival of Students and Youth taking place this summer in Caracas, Venezuela, and issued an appeal for trade unionists in Canada to support the latest petition of the campaign (see Open Letter to U.S. Trade Unionists).
After the event, many of those present visited the HOV / Fightback table to
sign the HOV petition, pick up leaflets and other materials, ask further
questions, etc. There was broad interest in the revolutionary events taking
place in Venezuela, with eagerness to build solidarity and raise awareness
through film showings, visits by trade unionists from Venezuela, visits to
Venezuela to learn from the grassroots movement, etc.
"Winnipeg, with its history of class struggle and workers' movements is a great place to build upon the Hands Off Venezuela campaign, which I believe will play a huge role in the fight to allow the Venezuelan people self-determination free from U.S. intervention. Educating the people of the world about working, evolving alternatives to capitalism and imperialist governments is key in the struggle for a world wide workers' revolution," said Aly Malabar, an HOV supporter in Winnipeg.
A meeting to formally launch the Winnipeg HOV committee will be announced soon. We invite you to join us in this important campaign. The effects of the Venezuelan Revolution will be far-reaching, and will shape the politics of the entire hemisphere in the coming years. Please write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get involved or for more information.
On the eve of May Day, forty people gathered at the Unitarian Church to launch the Hands off Venezuela campaign in Vancouver. Four speakers briefly addressed the meeting before the floor was opened up for discussion – both political and tactical.
Well-known Vancouver City Councilor Tim Louis (from the Coalition of Progressive Electors) linked the Bolivarian revolution to the struggle for socialism in Canada. Political Science professor Peter Prontzos discussed US imperialism in Latin America past and present, and Jay Hartling reported on the recent trip of the Bolivarian Circle of Vancouver (Bob Everton) to Venezuela. Miriam Martin from Fightback and the International Hands off Venezuela campaign reviewed the gains of the revolution so far and emphasized the need for the revolution to be carried to its logical conclusion - socialism. An organizing committee was struck, and it was agreed that public events should continue monthly—including pickets, film screenings, parties with food and music, and a book launch for Alan Woods’ new book The Venezuelan Revolution - A Marxist Perspective. $100 was collected to be shared with some youth from the church’s Social Justice Committee, who will be attending the World Festival of Students and Youth this summer in Caracas. The collection also contained 35,000 Bolivars!
The launch was filmed and will be aired on Global Justice television on Shaw cable 4.
If you are interested in getting involved with the Hands off Venezuela campaign in Vancouver, please contact vancouver[at]
A major trade union initiative in solidarity with Venezuela has been launched by the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. Coinciding with the celebration of International Workers' day, Hands Off Venezuela is promoting an "Open letter to US trade unionists". The appeal comes after the recent belligerent statements and attacks on President Chavez on the part of the representatives of the Bush Administration, which, according to Jorge Martin, HOV international secretary, "pose a direct threat to the working people of Venezuela".
The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness within the labour movement in the United States about what is really happening in Venezuela and particularly about the threat posed by the aggressive stance of the US administration. "Such aggressive statements from the White House are of the same kind of language that was used to prepare the ground for US intervention in Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, Iraq and elsewhere," said Jorge. "The democratically elected government of Hugo Chavez has been accused of everything, from linking up with North Korea, supplying arms to the Colombian FARC guerrillas and funding the ‘subversive’ MAS in Bolivia, to forming an axis of evil with Cuba's Castro, starting an arms race in Latin America, and harbouring Al-Qaeda terrorists" he added, "but there is not a single shred of evidence for any of these accusations".
For this reason the campaign will be participating in May Day marches in more than 20 countries in three continents to highlight the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and collecting signatures of trade union activists and leaders for the "Open Letter to US trade unionists".
"We think that the only force that can stop intervention against Venezuela is the US labour movement, together with the youth, students and intellectuals and artists," Jorge explained. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has always stressed that the Bolivarian movement has nothing against the people of the US, only against the aggressive policies pursued by the Bush administration.
The Hands Off Venezuela campaign, active in more than 30 countries around the world, has been campaigning to defend the Venezuelan revolution for more than two and a half years. The campaign has been publicly backed by President Chavez, and more recently by Adan Chavez, the Venezuelan ambassador to Cuba who said, "I recognise the invaluable work of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign. I appeal to you to go forward, be sure that this work will give important fruits in the end".
Orlando Chirinos, national coordinator of the UNT (National Workers Union) in Venezuela recognised the campaign as "an extraordinary initiative. It is the only significant campaign that is taking place internationally." In an interview with Alan Woods, who was in Venezuela attending the 3rd World Gathering in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, he said that he "considers the links between the UNT and the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign as very important". The campaign has been fighting to get recognition for the newly created UNT within the trade union movement in Europe.
It was in discussions with leading figures in the Bolivarian movement and the Venezuelan trade unions during Alan Woods’ visit, that the idea of the campaign was raised. "Revolutionary activists in Venezuela are very keen to reach ordinary working people in the US so that they can break the campaign of lies and propaganda of the mass media about what is really going on in Venezuela," said Alan Woods. The struggle in Venezuela is, amongst other things, against privatisation and for free health care and education for all. The labour movement in the United States surely can relate to these issues.
Hands Off Venezuela has also given material and moral support to the struggle of the workers in the occupied factories in Venezuela, particularly the Venepal paper mill and the valve making CNV factory. These companies were closed down by their owners as part of the campaign of sabotage against the democratically elected government of Hugo Chavez. The workers decided to occupy them, and after a long struggle the companies were expropriated and are now run under joint management of the state and the workers. At a meeting to discuss the role of the workers in the economy, which took place at the Caracas Central University (UCV), representatives of the workers in both factories thanked the Hands Off Venezuela campaign for the role played by international solidarity in their victories.
You can participate in the campaign by downloading the information leaflet and the petition and using it in your area, trade union branch or university.
We, as trade unionists, are making a direct appeal to our brothers and sisters in the United States on behalf of the people of Venezuela.
The recent belligerent statements and attacks on President Chavez coming from the representatives of the Bush Administration pose a direct threat to the working people of Venezuela. Such aggressive noises from the White House are the same kind of language that was used to prepare the ground for US intervention in Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, Iraq and elsewhere.
We therefore appeal to our friends in the American trade union movement to join with us in condemning these provocations and to place the maximum pressure on the Bush Administration to desist from these attacks.
We demand the right of the Venezuelan people to self-determination and no to imperialist interference.
(See also the letter from American workers and trade unionists to the U.S. government.)
See the signatures.
The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, which is a broad-based campaign, was established to generate awareness about Venezuela within the labour and trade union movement and young people internationally
A sizeable group of British and Latin American youth joined by other campaigners and trade unionists gathered in the Saint George’s Community Circle on April 23rd. The reason was not to celebrate Saint George’s Day but to critically debate the struggles all across the Latin American continent with a special focus in Venezuela. The event organised by this community centre, Hands Off Venezuela Campaign and New Generation ended with a gig that lasted till the small hours. Vegetarian food was served all day by the New Generation supporters at very affordable prices.
The day started with a workshop on the meaning of Bolivarianism and Socialism introduced by Jorge Martin, from the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign. The attendants discussed the real repercussions of both ideologies these days in the ongoing Venezuelan Revolution and what the real meanings of both terms for the Venezuelan masses are. After this interesting discussion the attendants had the chance to hear Colombia Solidarity Campaign activist Andy Higginbottom talking on the war launched by Coca-Cola on the Colombian Trade Union movement. It was hair-raising to hear how the thugs hired by this corporation have assassinated representatives of the workers inside Coca-Cola plants. Andy finished his talk by appealing to people to implement the Killer-Cola Boycott. Before lunch time Jorge Martin reported on the uprising and overthrowing of the Lucio Gutierrez government after he failed to fulfill the hopes of the masses in working and living conditions (see Ecuador: Popular uprising overthrows Lucio Gutierrez).
Around 4pm the school reached its peak with 50 people joining in the discussion conducted by Dave Raby (Institute of Latin American Studies in Liverpool) called “Transforming the Military”. Dave explained how besides the reactionary traditions of the South American military there was a progressive tradition. President Chavez and others organised clandestine military movements to overthrow the corrupt and pro-bosses governments of AD and COPEI (two main parties in Venezuela that alternated in power until they were ousted in 1998). Hugo Chavez himself got inspiration from progressive military movements in Panama and Peru. Next, different examples were given of how the Venezuelan armed forces were being used not for repressive ends, but for social ones. For instance, the Armed Forces are used to build houses and clinics in the shanty towns around Caracas. The debate was very animated and people discussed different issues, amongst them the formation of popular militias and the meaning of "the people in arms".
When the debates finished “Venezuela from Below” was screened while New Generation held salsa lessons. Afterwards, the attendants enjoyed a gig where samba bands, DJs, folk music bands and hip hop crews performed. One of the members of one of the Venezuelan bands that performed in the concert refused to be part of the event on the basis that the School and party were fundraising events to send young people to Caracas. The social polarisation around the Venezuelan revolution goes beyond the Latin American continent, and the repercussion of its victory will also go beyond the limits of Venezuela and Latin America.
SATURDAY 23rd APRIL from noon till well after midnight at the St
George's Circle Community Theatre, 49 Tufnell Park Road N7 (nearest
tubes Tufnell Park and Holloway Road).
A day of workshops, films & debates followed by a night of dancing and
jamming with Rhythms of Resistance, The Rub, Pok Star, Heroic Doses,
Moonstone, DJ Mao Pelos (Candela Sessions) and many more... plus
cabaret & comedy, all served up with spicy latin veggie meals and
A special event to promote a delegation from London to this year's
World Festival of Youth & Students, happening in Caracas from August
7th - 15th ( where there will also be the chance
to stay and work with the radical communities in Venezuela.
See also our flyer and our program with an overview of the different workshops.
On April 4th the Kitchener-Waterloo region saw
it’s first Hands Off Venezuela event. This is just one of a series of launch
meetings occurring across Canada. The movie The
Revolution Will Not Be Televised was shown in the University of Waterloo
Student Life Center. Despite the upcoming exam-week and problems getting
posters up on campus, 40 people came to the event. A variety of people showed
up including professors, graduate students, students, and even members of the
Venezuelan Opposition!
The event started off with a short introduction to capitalist developments in Latin America by guest speaker Alex Grant (of HOV-Toronto and Fightback). After the movie Alex spoke about the events in Venezuela after the 2002 coup with an emphasis on the 2004 referendum, the nationalization of Venepal under workers' control, the demoralization of the opposition, and Chavez’s recent turn to genuine democratic socialism.
The most successful aspect of the event, however, was the lively discussion afterwards. Everyone in the crowd seemed eager to either ask questions or freely comment. The members of the opposition attempted to provide their critiques of the Bolivarian revolution (anywhere from corruption in the referendum to complaints of violations against private property), which were met with much opposition from the crowd. At one point an opposition supporter, wearing a bright pink sorority sweater and sitting in the centre of the room, tried to assert that the military coup in 2002 was actually not a coup but some other “thing”. She also disagreed that the opposition is demoralized and asserted that they will come back – at which point Alex Grant agreed with them saying, “Yes, the opposition will come back if the revolution is unable to continue to improve the standard of living for Venezuelan workers and poor. If they come back they will have their revenge on the people like Pinochet’s bloodbath in Chile. That is why the Venezuelan workers must expropriate the oligarchy to stop their ability to wage economic terrorism.”
In a surprising twist, and without the guiding hand of its socialist organizers, the discussion naturally veered to a debate on Marxism, socialism, and revolution. This shows that even Canadians are aware of the great tasks ahead for the Bolivarian Revolution and what lessons Venezuela holds for Canadian workers and youth. Overall the event was a great success and plans are being made for future events at Waterloo.
Contact info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"We will never complete the revolution as long as private property is upheld"
From the Venezuelan Bolivarian University Press
Caracas, April 12, 2005. "If we continue to work under the thesis of reformism, it will be very difficult to create the revolutionary consciousness needed for the period of change we are living through, and we would be wasting all the effort carried out by our President Hugo Chavez Frias". This is what William Izarra, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for Asia and the Pacific, said during an event under the title "Socialism of the 21st Century". He was accompanied by Alan Woods, a British intellectual of the Revolutionary Marxist Current, Dr Orietta Caponi, Rector of the Venezuelan Bolivarian University, and the Secretary General Elizabeth Alves. The meeting was held in the Simon Bolivar hall of our studies house.
Izarra explained that we have entered a new stage of the process. This situation implies ideological definitions in order to take the right path between the two possibilities: reform or revolution. Reform implies the continuity of the political model of representative democracy and to continue to exercise a command model based on the fascination of power.
On the other hand there is revolution, a political model based on direct democracy, which means above all, to transform power into a tool of the people. It means transferring decision making to organised communities. "It is to rule on the basis of the right of the people to participate, to give constitutional consistency to the sovereign acts of the national collective" said Comandante Izarra.
Alan Woods, strengthening what had been said by Izarra, pointed out that the reformist behaviour is simply the expression of counter-revolution. "This is why I say, and I insist on this, that many times a victory can be turned into a defeat if there isn't a leadership which is consistent and coherent with this period".
The British intellectual recounted the epic intervention of the Venezuelan people during the coup d'etat on April 11, 2002, explaining how that popular uprising had no parallels anywhere in the world, and was unprecedented in any country of Latin America.
Woods explained that Venezuela is living through a revolution which has only gone half way, because as long as the oligarchy exists with its economic power intact we cannot speak of a revolution as such, "unfortunately, as long as private property is upheld, we will never have a complete revolution".
The Marxist leader ended by saying that Venezuela is at the crossroads: either we achieve the most important political and social victory in our contemporary history or we will suffer the most crushing of defeats, "either we defeat the counter-revolution, or it will defeat us".