German Easter Marches: Revolution in Venezuela presented as an
- 29 March 2005
combat against militarisation and dismantling of the welfare state as well as
strict opposition to the new EU draft constitution were the main topics
hammered home at this year’s Easter marches in Germany which are traditionally organised
by the peace movement.
At the regional demo held in Mainz, Hans-Gerd Öfinger of Der Funke and Hands off Venezuela was one of the speakers. He emphasised the fact that while the movement in Germany deplored recent developments and trends in Europe, the revolutionary process in Venezuela points to the way forward.
This “alternative programme” in Venezuela can be seen in different aspects:
- Whereas the German electorate are not even allowed to have a say in a referendum on the new European constitution (“Eat or die” – or rather “Eat and die”), the Bolivarian constitution was elaborated through a process of a broad popular participation and then endorsed in a referendum in 1999.
- Whereas the EU draft constitution ratifies the free market, neoliberalism, deregulation and privatisation, the Venezuelan constitution rules that the natural resources must not be privatised. Instead of pouring the yields of the oil industry into private pockets, this money is used for health and education of the poor. Instead of privatising state companies (as European governments do it across the board), the Venezuelan has recently nationalised the Venepal paper factory to save jobs and make sure that production is developed according to the needs of society. This is a clear element of an “alternative programme”.
- Whereas Europe has a long and bloody history of militarism and colonialism and this militarism is also enshrined in the new constitution, Venezuela does not even participate in armed military missions under UN command (“blue helmets”) nor does it allow any foreign army bases on Venezuelan soil. Yet imperialists and counter-revolutionaries such as George W. Bush have not given up their intention to bring down the Chávez government or assassinate president Chávez personally. In a recent US TV talk show appeals to assassinate Chávez were repeated. One of the guests in that live TV programme was Félix Rodríguez, a CIA agent who had been directly involved in Che Guevara’s assassination in Bolivia in 1967.
Yet not only politicians in Washington D.C. but also representatives of the European and German ruling class such as the German Christian Democratic “Konrad Adenauer Foundation” and the parliamentary group of the German Free Democrats (Liberals) have confessed to be bitter enemies of the Venezuelan revolution and sympathisers of the counter-revolutionary forces.
Although the Venezuelan revolution has only begun and still has its deficiencies and shortcomings, a fundamental solidarity is required. Hans-Gerd called upon the demonstrators to support the revolutionary process in Venezuela, sign the HOV petition and spread the news wherever possible to break through the barrier of silence and distortion in the German media.
combat against militarisation and dismantling of the welfare state as well as
strict opposition to the new EU draft constitution were the main topics
hammered home at this year’s Easter marches in Germany which are traditionally organised
by the peace movement.
At the regional demo held in Mainz, Hans-Gerd Öfinger of Der Funke and Hands off Venezuela was one of the speakers. He emphasised the fact that while the movement in Germany deplored recent developments and trends in Europe, the revolutionary process in Venezuela points to the way forward.
This “alternative programme” in Venezuela can be seen in different aspects:
- Whereas the German electorate are not even allowed to have a say in a referendum on the new European constitution (“Eat or die” – or rather “Eat and die”), the Bolivarian constitution was elaborated through a process of a broad popular participation and then endorsed in a referendum in 1999.
- Whereas the EU draft constitution ratifies the free market, neoliberalism, deregulation and privatisation, the Venezuelan constitution rules that the natural resources must not be privatised. Instead of pouring the yields of the oil industry into private pockets, this money is used for health and education of the poor. Instead of privatising state companies (as European governments do it across the board), the Venezuelan has recently nationalised the Venepal paper factory to save jobs and make sure that production is developed according to the needs of society. This is a clear element of an “alternative programme”.
- Whereas Europe has a long and bloody history of militarism and colonialism and this militarism is also enshrined in the new constitution, Venezuela does not even participate in armed military missions under UN command (“blue helmets”) nor does it allow any foreign army bases on Venezuelan soil. Yet imperialists and counter-revolutionaries such as George W. Bush have not given up their intention to bring down the Chávez government or assassinate president Chávez personally. In a recent US TV talk show appeals to assassinate Chávez were repeated. One of the guests in that live TV programme was Félix Rodríguez, a CIA agent who had been directly involved in Che Guevara’s assassination in Bolivia in 1967.
Yet not only politicians in Washington D.C. but also representatives of the European and German ruling class such as the German Christian Democratic “Konrad Adenauer Foundation” and the parliamentary group of the German Free Democrats (Liberals) have confessed to be bitter enemies of the Venezuelan revolution and sympathisers of the counter-revolutionary forces.
Although the Venezuelan revolution has only begun and still has its deficiencies and shortcomings, a fundamental solidarity is required. Hans-Gerd called upon the demonstrators to support the revolutionary process in Venezuela, sign the HOV petition and spread the news wherever possible to break through the barrier of silence and distortion in the German media.