September 26 Brazilian workers are with the PSUV in Venezuela!
- 21 September 2010

In Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, last Friday, September 17, a delegation of trade union leaders - among them, Faustão (national leadership of the CUT), Sergio Goiana (President of the CUT-PE), Augustus and Elcio (from the executive leadership of the Steelworkers’ Union of Pernambuco) - accompanied by Fernando Nascimento MP, Workers’ Party (PT), was received by Coromoto Godoy, Consul General of Venezuela to the state of Pernambuco. She received the delegation and a manifesto of the international "Hands Off Venezuela" campaign signed by over 120 trade union and popular leaders throughout Brazil and over 300 workers and youth of Pernambuco.
In São Paulo, another delegation was received at the Venezuelan Consulate on the same day and at the same time. The delegation of the "Hands Off Venezuela" campaign presented the same manifesto that was handed to Vice-Consul Luis Delgado, who made himself available for other activities, stating his interest in the articles by Alan Woods on the Venezuelan revolution and judging the HOV campaign as very important.
In Rio de Janeiro, a rally was organised a day earlier, Thursday, September 16, in the auditorium of the UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro). The act was convened by MO.RE.NA. (Nationalist Revolutionary Movement), the Bolivarian Circles and the Marxist Left of the PT, answering the call made by the Bolivarian Congress of Peoples and the International "Hands Off Venezuela" Campaign.
The event was attended by the Consul General of Venezuela to the state of Rio de Janeiro, Edgar Gonzalez, who opened his address by paraphrasing the revolutionary Che Guevara: "When the ordinary becomes extraordinary, we are in revolution." Then he explained the process with which the election of deputies to the National Assembly takes place, saying that the future of the revolution depends upon the outcome of these elections.
In conclusion, Gonzalez also emphasized the importance of developing this event in Rio de Janeiro, showing the solidarity of the Brazilian people with the Venezuelan political system.
The event included the presence and participation of teachers, students, journalists and supporters of the Venezuelan revolution. Among them: Inverta (Prensa Latina - PL), the Movement of Homeless Workers (MTST), the International Front for the Homeless (FIST), the Brazilian Press Association (ABI), the Editorial Board of the Journal Brasil de Fato, the Academic History Centre of UERJ and the Popular Movement of the Favelas.
These three events took place while dozens of other activities organized by the "Hands Off Venezuela" campaign in about 60 countries, where leaders representing the workers’, popular and students’ movement and left-wing parties expressed their solidarity with the Revolution in Venezuela and their support for the PSUV to elect a majority of deputies to the National Assembly on September 26.
Visit the website of the international campaign in Spanish:
Visit the website of the international campaign in English:
Visit the blog of the campaign in Brazil:
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