Venezuelan Executive recovers lands in Tachira, Zulia, Merida, Trujillo, Guarico and Barinas states.

The Venezuelan government recovers 1,752 hectares in Merida, Zulia, Tachira and Trujillo states, as reported by the Minister of Popular Power for Agriculture and Soils, Elías Jaua.


The Venezuelan government recovers 1,752 hectares in Merida, Zulia, Tachira and Trujillo states, as reported by the Minister of Popular Power for Agriculture and Soils, Elías Jaua.

From Santa Bárbara in Zulia state, during a press conference, the Minister narrated how the executive government intervened 31 spaces throughout the country, a part of their policiy of recovery of unused soils.

Jaua explained that the recovered land in Zulia state would serve as a boost to the livestock, plantain and several cereals sector.

This will develop the production of beef and milk in the region.

“We do these things on behalf of the law. No one, even those who oppose this government, can shelter below their political leadership in order to brake the law in this country”

He added that more of 10 within the lots of terrain recovered would be investigated in order to verify the property titles and certificates. They will also be checked over their productivity.

He assured that in Guarico state 8,767 hectares were recovered and 4,984 in Barinas state as well.



This is the original unformatted text in Spanish as published by the site mentioned in each article or piece of news. Translation and adaptation is by Jose Herrera-Ramirez 8947 08-2006


Gobierno Nacional recuperó tierras en Táchira, Zulia, Mérida y Trujillo

Venezuelan Executives recovered terrains in Tachira, Zulia, Merida, Trujillo, Guarico and Barinas states.

ABN.- El Gobierno Nacional recuperó 1.752 hectáreas en los estados Mérida, Zulia, Táchira y Trujillo, informó el ministro del Poder Popular para la Agricultura y Tierras, Elías Jaua.

The Venezuelan government recovers 1,752 hectares in Merida, Zulia, Tachira and Trujillo states, as reported by the Minister of Popular Power for Agriculture and Soils, Elías Jaua.

En Santa Bárbara del Zulia, durante una rueda de prensa, el ministro indicó que el Ejecutivo intervino en total 31 predios en todo el país, como parte de la recuperación de tierras ociosas.

From Santa Bárbara in Zulia state, during a press conference, the Minister narrated how the executive government intervened 31 spaces throughout the country, a part of their policiy of recovery of unused soils.

Explicó que las tierras recuperadas en el estado Zulia servirán para el impulso de la ganadería, así como para la producción de plátano y diversos cereales.

Jaua explained that the recovered land in Zulia state would serve as a boost to the livestock, plantain and several cereals sector.

Igualmente, se desarrollará al máximo la producción de carne y leche en la entidad.

This will develop the production of beef and milk in the region.

'Nosotros estamos actuando apegados a la ley. Nadie, por más opositor que sea, puede escudarse en su condición de líder político para infringir las leyes de la República', agregó Jaua.

“We do these things on behalf of the law. No one, even those who oppose this government, can shelter below their political leadership in order to brake the law in this country”

Aseveró que más de 10 predios de tierras serán investigados, a fin de verificar los títulos de propiedad y si los mismos se encuentran en producción.


He added that more of 10 within the lots of terrain recovered would be investigated in order to verify the property titles and certificates. They will also be checked over their productivity.


Ratificó que en el estado Guárico fueron recuperadas 8.767 hectáreas, y en Barinas, 4.984 hectáreas.



He assured that in Guarico state 8,767 hectares were recovered and 4,984 in Barinas state as well.

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