Revolutionary Venezuela: 2007 Jorge Martín Speaking Tour in Canada
- 25 April 2007
- Sun. 29th Apr. in Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) -- co-sponsored with the Bolivarian Society of Québec (
- Mon. 30th Apr. in Québec City: Location TBA
- Tues. 1st May in Ottawa: Location TBA
- Wed. 2nd May in Toronto: Student Campus Centre (55 Gould St.), Ryerson University -- co-sponsored with the Ryerson Students' Union, and by the Venezuelan Consulate
- Thurs. 3rd May in Hamilton: Skydragon Centre
- Mon. 7th May in Vancouver: SFU @ Harbour Centre (515 W. Hastings St.)
- Tues. 8th May in Victoria: Location TBA
Help is still needed!
We still need help financing the costs of the tour and Jorge's flight, plus we need volunteers to help with organizing and promoting the events in each of the cities. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help out in any way.
About Jorge MartÃn

Jorge MartÃn, nacido en Barcelona, Catalunya, ha participado en el movimiento internacional de solidaridad con la revolución venezolana desde el inicio. Es miembro fundador de la campaña internacional Manos Fuera de Venezuela, de la que es ahora el secretario internacional. Ha escrito prolÃficamente sobre la revolución Bolivariana y ha viajado por todo el mundo en actividades en su defensa. Visita Venezuela a menudo, participando en reuniones y foros, y en discusiones con activistas revolucionarios. Ha participado activamente en el movimiento de fábricas ocupadas en Venezuela.
For more information, please read some of Jorge MartÃn's recent articles:
In French: