Hands Off Venezuela Debates Opposition at Toronto Consulate on Election Day
- 04 December 2006
Dec 3rd 2006. On a freezing December day in Toronto, Hands Off Venezuela activists picketed in solidarity with the Venezuelan Revolution. At the same time several hundred emigre Venezuelans exercised their right to vote at the Venezuelan Consulate. HOV activists handed out an election statement (see attached PDF) and debated with opposition supporters.
oppositionist was heard saying, "Oh no. We even have to face the
revolution in Canada!" Unlike in Venezuela, most Venezuelans who live in
Canada support the opposition. You have to have money and connections to get a
Canadian visa. We even saw a few oppositionists in expensive fur coats as they
waited to vote. But the idea of the revolutionary unity of the Americas is even
reaching snowy Canada, so these poor bourgeois will have to find a new place to
run to!
HOV and others in the Venezuela solidarity movement are doing everything possible to keep the US and Canada's Conservative government away from interfering with the right of the Venezuelan people to choose their president. In Vancouver, HOV also organized a very successful victory party on the evening of Dec 3rd.
The massive victory of Chavez in the Presidential elections is really a victory for the Venezuelan people, especially the poor and working class. There is also a lesson for workers and left politicians around the world - the Bolivarian Revolution has increased support to over 61% by moving leftwards and not by accommodating a non-existent "middle."
After the election results were announced Chavez pledged to deepen his effort to transform Venezuela into a socialist society. "Long live the socialist revolution! Destiny has been written," Chavez shouted to thousands of flag-waving supporters wearing red shirts and braving the pouring rain. "That new era has begun," he said, raising a hand in the air. ``We have shown that Venezuela is red! .x .x . No one should fear socialism .x .x . Socialism is human. Socialism is love," Chavez said. "Down with imperialism! We need a new world!"
It is ideas such as these that are spreading the message of the Venezuelan Revolution to workers and youth throughout the hemisphere.
On Tuesday 5th, HOV Toronto is supporting a celebration of the election victory together with 4 other Latin American solidarity organizations (details below). The victory of the Venezuelan revolution marks a step forward for the movement inside Venezuela and the solidarity movement around the world.
To see an excellent video and photo slideshow of the Toronto picket please visit: