HOV Finland in solidarity with the people of Honduras
- 14 August 2009

Hands Off Venezuela Finland organised two solidarity events for the Honduran resistance movement during the last few weeks.
The first
event took place on the 29th July at the United States local Embassy, where
some thirty people, mostly our own members, came to leave a letter to the
ambassador. Rauni Salminen spoke in length about the Honduran situation and how
Zelaya was taken out of the country, the media lies about him etc. He also
explained the double-faced role the USA are playing in the matter, on the one
hand voting in the UN for Zelaya's immediate and unconditional return, on the
other continuing to finance the de facto government of Micheletti, as well as
educating Honduran soldiers at the Palmera base, situated close to Tegucigalpa.
This is the letter to the ambassador we handed over:
"Dear Ambassador of the United States of America,
We are very worried about the remarks made by secretary of State, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the other day, when president Zelaya tried to return to Honduras via the Nicaraguan Bordentown of Las Manos. He came without arms, without a bulletproof vest, openly and as befits his position as legitimate president of Honduras.
We wonder, whether Mrs. Clinton remembers that USA voted, together with all the countries of the world, for the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of president Zelaya.
Also we are deeply concerned USA officials have made no comments whatsoever as for the murders and other grave human rights violations daily committed by the de facto government of Micheletti. Hopefully that nonchalance won't continue.
We are concerned, that the United States of America continues to send aid to Honduras - in this case aiding the coup leaders. Also we worry about the fact that USA continues to train the Honduras military in Honduras - doing so even violating its own national laws.
The role of the School of America trained military men behind the coup in Honduras also makes us wonder whether the foreign policy of the United States of America is in fact to undermine the democratization process in Latin America.
At this time president Zelaya and the Honduran people need the assistance of us all, and quite especially full support of the United States, which always presents itself as a protector of democracy.
Hands off Venezuela Finland"
second event took place on the 11th of August, the day the Honduran
resistance movement had set as a day of solidarity action for their cause,
Hands off Venezuela Finland organised
another demonstration, this time in the centre of Helsinki City, at three
blacksmiths' statue - a locally well-known meeting place - where again some
thirty people came, this time with placards with texts like "democracy to
Honduras - viva Zelaya !", "Why is media quiet about human rights violations in
Honduras?", "US stop aid to golpistas", etc.
Speech was free, and three members of Hands off Venezuela Finland government told their views on the Honduras issue: Juhani Valo, Rauni Salminen and Stig Lång.
Although the demonstration was regrettably modest in size, the speeches were heard to the nearby cafés, full of people basking in the rare August heat, as well as to the commercial street with its shoppers and flaneurs.
On both occasions HOV Finland also distributed written material of the coup d'état, such as copies of the declaration condemning it, and an analysis of the present situation.