Chavez: The only solution is that the US withdraws their military bases from Colombia

Chavez: “There is no possible negotiation if [our] sovereignty is threatened (…) The only solution for Venezuela and Colombia to reinstate their dialogue is that The United States of America cancels the installation of military bases in Neogranadine territory.”

Bolivarian News Agency.-

Chavez: “There is no possible negotiation if [our] sovereignty is threatened (…) The only solution for Venezuela and Colombia to reinstate their dialogue is that The United States of America cancels the installation of military bases in Neogranadine territory.”

These assertions were made by President Hugo Chavez right after voting during the internal suffrage of the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV) for the election of delegates for the First Extraordinary Congress within the revolutionary party.

“If the US wants practical solutions, it must withdraw the Yankee military bases from Colombia and free that brother beloved country of Colombia.”

Chavez answered to the proposal by US State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, who offered himself as a mediator between both nations: Chavez assured that he will not accept mediation from third parties, even less if it comes from the Barack Obama administration: “That proposal is nothing but another proof of the US government’s cynicism.”

Similarly, President Chavez criticized the attitude displayed by counter-revolutionary sectors, who applaud and celebrate the installation of these US-American military bases,  by calling them anti-patriotic.

Chavez added that he does not seek war between brothers and that his only struggle has been eradicating the Venezuelan historical problems of the people.

“We don’t want any more wars. We have are own wars against hunger, extreme poverty, safety-issues, crime, drug trafficking. Those are our wars here; about social justice and people’s life.”

He also assured that a new war-inducing scenario will be promoted solely by the United States through Colombia, which “has been turned into a great Yankee military base”

Chavez emphasized: “War does not depend on us, war depends on their future decisions. However, there will be a nation prepared to defend itself here”

He also called upon all Venezuelans to prepare for the defense of the Venezuelan territorial sovereignty as he explained that “there is public and secret proof that evidence that an attack against Venezuela is being staged”



This is the original unformatted text in Spanish as published by the site mentioned in each article or piece of news. Translation and adaptation is by Jose Herrera-Ramirez 8947 08-2006

La única solución es que EEUU retire las bases militares en Colombia

The only solution is that the US withdraws their military bases from Colombia

Picture by Zurimar Campos, ABN.

Bolivarian News Agency http://abn.info.ve/noticia.php?articulo=207448&lee=4.- 'No hay negociación posible si está amenazada la soberanía (...) La única solución para que Venezuela y Colombia retomen el diálogo es que Estados Unidos (EEUU) desista de la instalación de las siete bases militares en territorio neogranadino'.

Chavez: “There is no possible negotiation if [our] sovereignty is threatened (…) The only solution for Venezuela and Colombia to reinstate their dialogue is that The United States of America cancels the installation of military bases in Neogranadine territory.”

La aseveración fue realizada por el presidente de la República, Hugo Chávez Frías, tras ejercer su derecho al voto en los comicios internos del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) para la elección de los delegados al Primer Congreso Extraordinario del partido revolucionario.

These assertions were made by President Hugo Chavez right after voting during the internal suffrage of the Venezuelan United Socialist Party (PSUV) for the election of delegates for the First Extraordinary Congress within the revolutionary party.

“Estados Unidos, si quiere soluciones prácticas, retire las bases yanquis de Colombia y libere a ese pueblo hermano, libere a la hermana y querida Colombia”, resaltó, en referencia a la propuesta de un vocero del Departamento de Estado norteamericano, Ian Kelly, de ofrecerse como 'mediador' entre las partes.

 “If the US wants practical solutions, it must withdraw the Yankee military bases from Colombia and free that brother beloved country of Colombia.”

Por tal motivo, reiteró que Venezuela no aceptará la mediación de terceros países, y menos de la administración de Barack Obama: “Ese ofrecimiento no es más que otra prueba del cinismo del Gobierno norteamericano”.

Chavez answered to the proposal by US State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, who offered himself as a mediator between both nations: Chavez assured that he will not accept mediation from third parties, even less if it comes from the Barack Obama administration: “That proposal is nothing but another proof of the US government’s cynicism.”

Asimismo, el presidente Chávez criticó la actitud asumida por sectores contrarrevolucionarios, que aplauden y celebran la instalación de estas bases norteamericanas, a los que calificó como una oposición apátrida.

Similarly, President Chavez criticized the attitude displayed by counter-revolutionary sectors, who applaud and celebrate the installation of these US-American military bases,  by calling them anti-patriotic.

Indicó que Venezuela no busca la guerra entre hermanos y que su única lucha ha sido por erradicar los problemas históricos del pueblo venezolano.

Chavez added that he does not seek war between brothers and that his only struggle has been eradicating the Venezuelan historical problems of the people.

“No queremos guerras, las guerras nuestras, las que estamos librando, son contra el hambre, contra la miseria, contra la inseguridad, contra la delincuencia, el crimen, el narcotráfico, esa es la guerra, por la justicia social, por la vida de un pueblo”, ratificó.

“We don’t want any more wars. We have are own wars against hunger, extreme poverty, safety-issues, crime, drug trafficking. Those are our wars here; about social justice and people’s life.”

Además, señaló que un escenario bélico sería promovido únicamente por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos a través de Colombia, al cual “han convertido en una gran base yanqui”.

He also assured that a new war inducing scenario will be promoted solely by the United States through Colombia, which “has been turned into a great Yankee military base”

“De nosotros no depende la guerra, la guerra depende de las decisiones que tomarán ellos, pero acá estará el pueblo preparado para defender a su patria”, enfatizó.

Chavez emphasized: “War does not depend on us, war depends on their future decisions. However, there will be a nation prepared to defend itself here”

De igual forma, ratificó su llamado a los venezolanos a prepararse para la defensa de la soberanía territorial del país porque explicó que “existen pruebas públicas y secretas que dejan en evidencia que se está fraguando un ataque a Venezuela”.

He also called upon all Venezuelans to prepare for the defense of the Venezuelan territorial sovereignty as he explained that “there is public and secret proof that evidence that an attack against Venezuela is being staged”

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