
With the Summit of the Americas final declaration, in which five of the continent's largest countries refused to endorse the FTAA, Chavez argued that a significant victory had been won. At the Summit Chavez also spoke to Colombia's president about reports of Colombian secret police activity in Venezuela.

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A report on the Speech Chavez gave recently in Paris. Asked by the local mayor what was the “secret” behind his political success and resilience, Chavez explained that his power emanates from the mass movement, of the involvement of the mass of the people in the struggle for change. During his speech he also praised the work of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign and underlined the need for such international solidarity.

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In a previous article taken from AFP and reproduced in the Pakistani newspaper, The Dawn, it was stated that  "Hugo Chavez blamed global capitalism for Saturday’s earthquake in South Asia". Unfortunately this slipped through without being checked. It is not really what Chavez said.

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According to Venezuela's National Institute of Statistics, unemployment and poverty have both been dropping significantly in 2005. Unemployment is now at 11.5% and income poverty at 38.5%. These figures are said to be a direct result of the consistent economic growth for the past two years.

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The following AFP article appeared in all the English language newspapers across Pakistan today. We republish here with a picture of the article from the Dawn, one of the most widely read English papers in Pakistan.

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