One wonders how many mistakes, glaring omissions and biased statements can one fit in just two paragraphs of just 88 words. When it comes to Venezuela, the answer is, a lot. On Friday, 27 of March, the Guardian published a piece called Democracy behind bars: 11 opposition leaders facing jail or death”, which was “sponsored by Crown Agents”. First in the list of 11 “democratic opposition leaders” facing jail or death around the world is Venezuela’s Leopoldo Lopez.
The world's media is again repeating the mantra about alleged "attacks on freedom of expression" in Venezuela. The truth however is that opposition media dominates the airwaves and newspaper stands. One particularly vicious example is TalCual. It stops at nothing to slander and vilify the Bolivarian government. This time, they called in a Paraguayan rat to help. Literally.
On Thursday January 24, Spanish newspaper El País published a front page headline screaming "the secret of Chavez's health" acompanied by a picture of a man, eyes closed, lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of his mouth.
Once again there has been a remarkably well coordinated campaign of disinformation regarding the Venezuelan presidential elections on Sunday October 7.
As it happens every so often, the Venezuelan right wing media and their international counterparts are once again raising a hue and cry over alleged threats to freedom of the media and freedom of expression in Venezuela.