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Campesinos marched on Venezuela's National Assembly, demanding justice and an end to impunity for assassins of peasant leaders. Credit: ABN |
“Zamora took Caracas” on Monday, as agrarian workers affiliated with the National Agrarian Coordinator Ezequiel Zamora (CANEZ)—named after the 19th Century hero of Venezuelan peasants—marched through the city demanding an end to the assassination of land reform leaders. Over 6,000 Venezuelan campesinos congregated outside the National Assembly, and later, outside of the Attorney General’s office to demand an end to impunity for those responsible for over 130 assassinations.
Since the Venezuelan government passed a controversial land reform law in 2001, conflicts between land reform activists and land-owners have resulted in at least 150 assassinations of campesinos, and possibly more. Since January, 2005 when the land reform initiative was given a new push by President Hugo Chávez, violence in the countryside has escalated further.
Claudia Jardim, a journalist who produces a special bi-monthly documentary on the country’s land reform process says the political murder-rate in the countryside has jumped to an estimated one peasant leader per week since January.
Campesinos marching on the National Assembly and Attorney General’s office submitted a document listing a series of demands to secure government protection for those on the frontlines of the land reform and to seek an end to impunity for the material and intellectual authors of the assassinations.
Specifically, their demands included the establishment of a series of special prosecutors to be assigned to the states that have witnessed the most serious levels of violence over the past few years.
The CANEZ also submitted a document to the Attorney General complete with evidence linking specific latifundistas—landowners—to the violence. Campesino leader and recent victim of an attempted assassination, Braulio Alvarez, was on hand during the protest and afterwards, where he was interviewed on state television channel 8. According to Alvarez, some of the richest landowning families in Zulia, Cojedes and Yaracuy (see map) are responsible for contracting killers to rid them of bothersome peasant leaders.
A Worrisome Trend
But according to peasant activists, every agricultural state has seen the use of hired-killers, known as sicarios, against peasant leaders pushing for land reform. In addition to the three states mentioned above, Lara, Guarico, Barinas, and Portuguesa have also seen violence directed against campesino movements, including the use of sicarios.
Marino Alvarado, Defense Coordinator for Venezuelan human rights group Provea told Venezuelanalysis.com that “Campesinos have been the targets of assassination in Venezuela for decades.” Nor is the problem of hired-killers, the “sicariato,” anything new in Venezuela, according to Alvarado. “Perhaps what is new is that the phenomenon has increased considerably,” he says. “Since 2000, the number of campesinos assassinated has increased rapidly, under specific conditions suggesting the involvement of sicarios, hired-assassins… Today, the sicariato is a problem nationwide, though it remains very much concentrated in the frontier.”
“What has changed of late,” explains Alvarado, “is that sicarios have been increasing the number of victims, and they have been widening their reach. In the past, sicarios tended to kill those linked to illicit activities, drugs, corruption, and so forth. Later this was extended to incorporate political activists, whether related to land reform, human rights, or community politics.” Over the past five years the sicario has been “diversifying his victims, and he has become more sophisticated in his methods.”
The state launched an ambitious land reform, argues journalist Jardim, without sufficiently advancing a strategy for protecting peasant leaders from the entirely predictable violent reaction of the landowning class.
From the Military to the Hired Assassin
For Alvarado, the sicariato represents another important development, and that is in the transition from the use of state sponsored repression, to the use of private killers. Since the Chávez government came to power in 1998, says Alvarado, repression in the countryside has largely been at the hands of private forces, forces outside the state police and military apparatus. 2005 may become the exception, he warns, noting that two peasant activists have already been killed by the Armed Forces.
In the past, the Venezuelan Army, the National Guard, as well as regional police forces were regularly implicated in killings of peasant activists and leaders. One infamous example was the 1988 Amaparo massacre, in which 14 “guerillas” were killed “in battle” by the Venezuelan military. As it turned out, the alleged ELN Colombian guerillas were in fact Venezuelan peasants on a fishing expedition. The military planted weapons on them and ELN insignia, then hastily buried the bodies without the required autopsy.
Since the Chávez government has redefined the role of the Venezuelan military, and radically challenged existing power relations in the Venezuelan countryside, landowners looking for retribution against peasant groups have turned to the sicario, the hired-killer to play the repressive role in rural areas that the military has largely abandoned.
Looking for Justice
The problem, says Ezequiel Zamora Front leader Domingo Santana, is the “situation of abandonment that peasants inhabiting frontier zones—especially in Apure—are currently living.”
“The most worrisome aspect of this entire issue,” says Provea Defense director Marino Alvarado, “is that the sicariato continues killing unpunished.” “That is not to say that sicarios enjoy special protection or impunity,” says Alvarado. In fact, they enjoy the same benefits of everyday murderers: a Justice system that is incapable or unwilling to adequately investigate these crimes and bring killers to justice.
With this impunity, warns Alvarado, the sicariato has been evolving into a truly developed class of professional killers, no longer restricted to operating in the frontier regions, but now essentially free to operate throughout the country, including Caracas. Alvarado suspects that the car-bomb assassination of Public Prosecutor Danilo Anderson in November, 2004 was at the hands of sicarios—perhaps the same ones operating in the countryside.
CANEZ and other land reform groups have repeatedly suspected specific landowners in the assassinations of their leaders. Often, the links appear clear, at least to the campesino groups in question: land reform activists occupy land for which they have legal title; they come into conflict with neighboring landowners who have illegal claim to the land; masked killers surprise the group’s leaders and kill them.
As a human rights group, Provea cannot say that landowners are clearly responsible for the killings of peasant leaders, says Alvarado. “We do not have the proof that unquestionably links these landowners to the killings of peasants…It is not for us to accuse, that is the job of the Attorney General’s office…Nonetheless, it is presumed that in at least some of the cases, some of the people involved were contracted by landowners.”
This view has been widely corroborated by other human rights groups in the country. Last April a group calling itself the Forum for Life, which brought together the most active and widely respected human rights groups in the country, issued a communiqué to the Venezuelan government, demanding that the state take a clear proactive role in protecting the lives of peasant leaders against assassination.
“The frequency with which in the past few years, activists and leaders of the campesino movement have been assassinated represents a grave situation that obligates the national government to present a prompt and fitting response,” reads the opening sentence of the report. “The occurrences of violent acts in the Venezuelan countryside reflect the inadequacy of current security policies and evidence the state’s responsibility, due to omission. Though high-level government officials have expressed their preoccupation with these events, mere declarations have proven insufficient. What is required is a policy that facilitates investigations, guarantees the protection of campesinos and their leaders and, in general, the improvement of citizens’ security in the countryside.”
A Quick Response
Peasant leaders and activists marching on the capital on Monday were met by an impressive array of high-level government leaders. At the National Assembly (AN), First Vice-President Ricardo Gutiérrez spoke to the crowd overflowing into the AN’s gardens and the streets outside, announcing the establishment of a special commission to discuss and respond to the principal problems of Venezuelan peasants. Gutiérrez is currently leading a commission investigating the assassinations of and aggressions against peasant and indigenous leaders and activists.
Peasant movements will select 15 representatives to join the commission, which will visit the states in which sicarios have threatened to halt the land reform process now fully underway. “We know you are here calling for justice,” Gutiérrez told the crowd of around 6,000. “We will pressure the public institutions to do justice.”
Minister of Agriculture and Land, Antonio Albarrán, also addressed the crowd that came to Caracas from all over the country. Albarrán announced the creation of a sub-commission to be presided by Alcides Rondón, Vice-Minister of Citizen Security of the Ministry of Justice and the Interior. The sub-commission led by Rondón will also investigate the assassinations as well as formulate preventative policies designed to improve security in the Venezuelan countryside.
Albarrán added that representatives from peasant groups and from the Attorney General’s office would be incorporated into Regional Councils previously established to address rural and land reform issues.
CANEZ leaders were also received by representatives of the Venezuelan executive at the Presidential Palace Miraflores. In a Monday night press conference Information Minister Andrés Izarra said the issue is of the utmost interest to the President, and should involve the cooperation and dedication of all relevant ministries.
Whether these responses will have the desired effect remains to be seen. Organizers of the march stated that the “in the face of repeated assassinations, the alternative is to deepen the agrarian revolution, continue the expropriations according to the Land Law, mobilize the masses of campesinos, and secure decisive action by the Armed Forces against the guilty parties.”
But a resolution to the crisis in the countryside is likely far away. The power struggle unleashed with the 2001 Land Law was widely considered to be a major motivation for the anti-Chávez opposition’s coup attempt in April, 2002, and it continues to be violently contested by landed interests in rural Venezuela.
As evidenced by recent events, most notably the extra-judicial killings of an estimated 200 people over the past several years in the state of Guarico in which the Governor has been implicated, and the similar killings of three students two weeks ago in a Caracas neighborhood, the Venezuelan security apparatus is in need of complete overhaul. While such an overhaul has recently begun, it will have to prove to be sufficiently profound for it to make a difference.
There is a culture of violence intrinsic in Venezuela’s police institutions in particular, but also including the military, which is by no means specific to Venezuela. Police and military in Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina have all been implicated in horrible massacres over the past few years. According to New York University historian Greg Grandin, this culture of violence is a legacy of Cold War state terrorism, one that many critics charge was bred by the infamous U.S. School of the Americas to which Latin America’s most notorious dictators sent their officers for training in “interrogation techniques,” among other hallmarks of “modern counterinsurgency.” Replacing such a culture of violence with a mission to protect Venezuelan citizens goes further than merely neutering the military and police’s repressive capacity; it also means ending the impunity of Venezuelan criminals, whether their crimes are politically motivated or not.David Raby wrote a review on Alan Woods' book The Venezuelan Revolution: a Marxist Perspective for Hands Off Venezuela. David Raby is an Honourary Research Fellow at the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool.
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Although many Marxists and progressive activists in general are still reluctant to recognise it, a real social revolution is under way in Venezuela, and this places the country at the centre of the international political struggle between capitalist globalisation (or imperialism, as it used to be called) and popular movements throughout the world. Moreover the unquestioned leader of Venezuela’s “Bolivarian Revolution”, President Hugo Chávez, is already (and deservedly) an international figure of comparable stature to Fidel Castro or Che Guevara.
The great virtue of this book, and of Alan Woods as a leader of the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency, is to have recognised this fact at an early stage and to have acted accordingly by promoting the Hands Off Venezuela (HOV) campaign. Like this reviewer, but unlike legions of sectarian dogmatists and wishful idealists, Woods understood that revolutions do not develop according to a preconceived formula, and that the people (or the working class) cannot sit around for ever waiting for a perfect Marxist-Leninist party to appear, any more than they can make revolution as a spontaneous and unorganised mass (as some dreamers in the international anti-globalisation movement seem to believe). From my perspective Woods is still hampered by a somewhat doctrinaire view of the revolutionary party and the nature of revolution and socialism in our times, but any deficiencies in this respect are more than compensated for by his understanding of and support for the Venezuelan revolution.
In Venezuela, at least since the time of Chávez’ first election in December 1998, and more especially since the failed coup of April 2002, the masses have burst on to the scene and become leading protagonists of the political process. Indeed, as argued by retired General Jacinto Pérez Arcay, in a sense the people took to the streets during the Caracazo riots of 27 February-5 March 1989 (against an IMF deflationary package imposed by the social-democratic President Carlos Andrés Pérez), and have never looked back (Rosa Miriam Elizalde & Luis Báez, Chávez Nuestro, Havana 2004, p. 84). But the people involved in this spontaneous and directionless popular revolt (brutally put down on orders from Pérez with hundreds, indeed possibly thousands, of dead) found the leadership they lacked with the unsuccessful military-civilian uprising led by Lt-Col. Hugo Chávez on 4 February 1992. In the absence of an effective revolutionary party, it was Chávez and his Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement (MBR-200) who became in effect the vanguard of a popular revolutionary process which is still continuing, and the crucial point is that this vanguard role is recognised and accepted by the masses. It is no use lamenting that this is not the type of vanguard party conceived by Marx, Lenin or Trotsky; as Woods points out, what many self-proclaimed Marxists have failed to understand is ‘the dialectical relation between Chávez and the masses’. They mumble about ‘populism’, but ‘show their complete inability to connect with the real movement of the masses’ (p. 69).
It is this same blindness to the real dynamics of popular movements which leads many sectarians to condemn participation in the Bolivarian Movement and call for building a revolutionary party outside it; as Woods comments ironically, ‘So three men and a dog (or a drunken parrot) gather in a café in Caracas and proclaim the Revolutionary Party’ (p. 83). This is precisely what many dogmatists in Venezuela were doing for years before the Bolivarian movement developed, and some of them like Bandera Roja (Red Flag) have ended up as counter-revolutionary provocateurs, which is the logical conclusion of such arrogance.
Woods and the Revolutionary Marxist Tendency are taken seriously in Venezuela, including by President Chávez himself, precisely because they have shown an understanding of the real situation in the country and of the practical leadership provided by Chávez and the Bolivarian Movement. Woods also correctly stresses throughout the need for the revolution to be further radicalised and to take more decisive measures against the bourgeois oligarchy and imperialism. But where I part company with Woods is in his assessment of Chávez as a representative of ‘petty-bourgeois revolutionary democracy’ who, while being supported in his progressive actions, must be pushed to the left by building ‘an independent revolutionary proletarian current’ (p. 93). This in my view is to underestimate the political capacity of Chávez and his intimate bond with the popular classes; it is this bond which is the real motive force of the Venezuelan revolution and which is driving it forward to take ever more radical actions. Just as with Fidel Castro and the 26th July Movement in Cuba in 1959-61, so in Venezuela it is Chávez and the Bolivarian Movement who are leading the process forward together with the people. It was after all Chávez who surprised everyone in December 2004 by declaring, in his closing speech at the World Congress of Intellectuals and Artists in Defence of Humanity, that ‘we have to reclaim the legacy of socialism’ and ‘find the way forward to build the socialism of the twenty-first century’. Since then he has repeatedly returned to the theme of socialism, while taking measures such as the expropriation of the Venepal and National Valve factories and their conversion to a combination of state management and workers’ control, the acceleration of the agrarian reform and the signing of the ALBA agreement with Cuba which strengthens ties between the public sectors of the two economies. Of course popular pressure was also involved in these decisions - Chávez cannot do things alone - but this popular pressure takes place primarily within and through the Bolivarian Movement, which is as Chávez has explained nothing else than the organised expression of the social movements themselves: the Circles, the Urban Land Committees, the Local Public Planning Committees, the UBEs (Units of Electoral Battle, now converted into Units of Endogenous Battle, i.e. grass-roots committees for the promotion of self-sufficient development). The people in the barrios have made it abundantly clear that they believe in Chávez and the MBR-200, but not in political parties of any kind. In Cuba, the old Communist Party and the Directorio Revolucionario ended up uniting with the 26th July Movement under the leadership of Fidel Castro, and other parties and organisations disappeared or became irrelevant; I predict that something similar will happen in Venezuela. Unlike Cuba, however, Venezuela will not be subject to the geopolitical pressures which led Cuba to adopt the Soviet model of socialism, leading to distortions of the Cuban process.
But these disagreements are part of the ongoing debate in Venezuela and outside about the future path of the first triumphant revolution of the twenty-first century. What is most important about this book is its contribution to the understanding and defence of the Bolivarian Revolution. As Woods himself recognises, ‘The greatest danger for the Venezuelan Marxists is impatience, sectarian and ultraleft moods. The revolutionary Marxist current is at present a minority of the mass movement. We cannot impose our solutions on it...’ (p. 132). And outside Venezuela, while being analytical and critical, our main duty is to build solidarity with the process through HOV and other organisations.
The country of Venezuela is a startling paradox of immense suffering and extreme wealth. According to a private Caracas-based polling company, Datanalisis, over 58% of the 25 million people in Venezuela live on less than $253 (Cdn) a month. The level of poverty becomes all the more damning when factoring in that Venezuela is also the world’s fourth largest oil exporter. This glaring contradiction remained unchallenged until the election of Hugo Chavez as Venezuelan President.
In 1998, Hugo Chavez was elected Venezuelan President with an approval of 56%. His electoral success came about because if elected he promised to immediately instigate land reform and to put the countries oil revenues back into public services like education and health care. Since his Presidential victory Chavez has made good on his promises. The government under his leadership has:
a) built 657 new schools, created four universities, hired 36,000 teachers and given the opportunity for a formal education to three million new people
b) distributed 5.5 million acres of land to 116,000 families organized in cooperatives
c) traded oil to Cuba in exchange for 13,000 doctors in an effort to expand health care to 1.2 million more people
These are just some of the many things President Chavez has done in order to combat poverty in Venezuela. Unfortunately for Venezuelans these social programs aimed at giving the 15 million previously neglected people a decent standard of living comes into direct conflict with national and international business interests.
Before the election of Chavez, Venezuela was just another waypoint for the United States to get below market-value oil without having to give anything significant back. According to the Energy Information Administration of the US governmental department, in 1997, approximately 17.4% (1.773 million barrels a day) of all American oil imports came from Venezuela, making it the largest and most reliable oil source for the US in the world. This also accounts for over half of all Venezuelan oil exports.
By Chavez’s second year in power in 2000, Venezuela dropped from being the largest oil exporter to the United States to being their 3rd largest, sending over approximately 400,000 less barrels a day. Chavez, by actually enforcing OPEC quotas through decreasing oil production while maintaining the same level of profitability meant financial benefits for Venezuela at the expense of cheap oil prices. This was not a conscious effort by the Chavez government to undermine the United States but a means for Venezuela to redistribute oil revenue into social spending. In addition to this and putting heavier regulations on the public oil sector, Chavez raised taxation on the private oil sector to an average of 25% from the previous average of
7% as well as giving the state oil company, the PDVSA, a 51% stake in all new private oil developments. Once again, all the extra revenue generated by the Venezuelan State went back into social spending instead of private business subsidies. Under previous US-friendly governments this would have been unheard-of.
The wealth had always been in Venezuela, and now, under a more planned out economy, it was genuinely being used to benefit the whole of Venezuelan society instead of just acting as corporate welfare or private sector investment. All of these accomplishments were done through legal means and without violating the sovereignty of any other countries. Regardless of this, Chavez became the victim of imperialist manoeuvring and domestic sabotage.
It is no secret that in April 2002 a coup was orchestrated by the CIA to be carried out by the Venezuelan business congress and right-wing elements within the Venezuelan military. Chavez was kidnapped and many of his cabinet ministers were put under arrest. The head of the business congress, Pedro Carmona, was named President, the Constitutional Assembly was dissolved and the Supreme Court was virtually fired. The next day, the New York Times and Washington Post ran articles claiming that popular mass anti-government protests forced Chavez from power. No mention of a coup was made.
Meanwhile, private media outlets, which make up 90% of all Venezuelan media, were hailing the coup as a “triumph for democracy” and the “defeat of the dictator”. The majority of the Venezuelan populace had no idea what was going on because the one state-owned television station and all state run radio was ‘mysteriously’ cut. Long story short, within a couple of days the word spread throughout Venezuela and millions marched on the Presidential palace in opposition to the new illegitimate government. At that moment, palace guards sympathetic to Chavez stormed the palace and placed under arrest any members of the new government who had not yet fled. By the end of the day Chavez was returned safely and sworn back in as President.
The political intrigue did not end there. Less than 8 months later a lockout was organized by anti-Chavez high-level government bureaucrats to shut down the national oil company, the PDVSA. The concept was that if the economy was sabotaged Chavez would be forced from power. What the lockout organizers didn’t take into account was just how much the workers supported Chavez -- so much so, that they actually broke the lockout and ran the facilities themselves, without management, to keep the economy alive.
The list goes on.
Later still in August 2004 a national referendum was held on Chavez’s Presidency. The Carter Center, who helped monitor the vote, reported that over 90% of the eligible voting public voted, of which approximately 60% were in favour of keeping Chavez in power. This was yet another example of how the people of Venezuela have never failed to defend Chavez with their mass support whenever he has come under attack, legal or otherwise.
Despite his continual victories over local capitalists and US imperialism, the struggle is far from over for the President and people of Venezuela. The CIA is still, to this day, going on record making completely unfounded claims that Chavez is a threat to stability in South America and that Chavez is “aiding and abiding” terrorists and the drug trade in Columbia. The US state department has even invented a new set of terms just for Chavez by referring to his government as an “elected dictatorship” or an “authoritarian democracy”.
Anyone following the political situation in Venezuela should not be tricked by the unfounded rhetoric of the United States. Interested parties should also be aware that the anti-Chavez forces will not rest until he is defeated by whatever means necessary; the US conducted assassination of the democratically elected leftist President of Chile, Allende, in 1973 is just an example of how far the US has been willing to go in the past to enforce their agenda. It is for this reason as well as others that supporters of the reforms being made in Venezuela must be diligent in helping build international solidarity to support Chavez and the Venezuelan people against foreign intervention and to make any extreme actions on the part of the United States government an impossibility.
The New Democratic Youth of Canada is doing its part by endorsing the “Hands off Venezuela!” campaign, which is organized in almost 50 countries. The campaign is endorsed by Chavez himself and is so far operating in Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Peterborough, Waterloo, Toronto and Montreal. The campaign aims to educate people on the history of Venezuela and the current political situation. Raising awareness on the plight of Venezuela acts as a means to expose the not-so-hidden agenda of the US, the corruption of the Venezuelan oligarchy as well as provides a forum by which to promote the legitimacy of the struggle for participatory democracy in Venezuela.
Against imperialist intervention in Venezuela! For the defence of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela! For the victory of democratic socialism in Latin America!
"We are going to hit a Cuban airplane," said Luis Posada in Caracas,
Venezuela, according to a recently declassified CIA document. On
October 6 1976, just days later, Cubana Airline flight 455 exploded
off the coast of Barbados, killing all 73 passengers.
Posada, who is 77 and has dual Venezuelan and Cuban citizenship, was
arrested in Miami on May 17 for illegal entry into the US. He is
claiming asylum and, so far, the Bush administration has refused to
extradite him to Venezuela, where he is wanted for the terrorist
Until 1974, the ex-CIA agent, who specialised in explosives at
Fort Benning, Georgia (later home to the infamous School of the
Americas), was head of the Venezuelan political police — DISIP — from
where he, reportedly, oversaw the assassination of prominent leftists.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened to sever diplomatic
links if Posada is not turned over, which the US is obliged to do
under bilateral treaties. He has accused the US of harbouring a known
international terrorist, making a mockery of its “war on terror.”
“We demand that the US government stop its hypocrisy and its two-faced
attitude and send this terrorist, this bandit, to Venezuela,” Chavez
insisted last month. “The world is watching.”
This case has become a major headache for George Bush, who is loth to
give up such a loyal veteran of the right-wing cause.
Posada is hailed as a hero among Miami’s rich, Castro-hating Cuban
exiles, who form a key component of his base of support, as well as
that of Bush’s brother Jeb, the governor of Florida.
A policeman in the Batista dictatorship, Posada also participated in
the Bay of Pigs invasion as part of “Operation 40.” Their mission was
simply to assassinate Castro.
He also freelanced for the Las Vegas mafia, at one point, supplying
mob boss Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal with detonators and fuses for
car-bombs, according to the FBI.
Two Argentinian founders of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, a movement
which supports parents of missing or tortured people in south America,
are also demanding Posada’s extradition. They accuse him of
involvement in Operation Condor, the US military plan which
co-ordinated the bloodthirsty dictatorships of the 1970s in the region.
After bribing his way out of Venezuelan jail in 1985, he worked for
Oliver North, directing terror against the people of Nicaragua,
supplying the US-backed Contras with weapons in an illegal war against
the Sandinista government.
The main focus throughout his life, however, seems to be an obsession
with overthrowing Fidel Castro.
Posada masterminded a string of bombings in Havana during an
international youth and student festival in 1997, resulting in the
death of an Italian tourist at the Copacabana hotel.
“We didn’t want to hurt anybody,” he claimed in an interview with the
New York Times the following year. “We just wanted to make a big
scandal so that the tourists don’t come any more.”
“I sleep like a baby,” he famously boasted, showing little remorse for
the misery he caused. “That Italian was sitting in the wrong place at
the wrong time.”
In 2000, he was caught red-handed in Panama, preparing to assassinate
Castro by blowing up a packed auditorium of over 3,000 students with
33 pounds of C-4 explosives. Although found guilty, he was pardoned in
2004 by outgoing President Mireya Moscoso, who promptly moved to Miami.
Reports that he was back in the US began surfacing earlier this year,
but the government denied any knowledge of his whereabouts. However,
after Posada held a press conference in Miami, this illusion was
impossible to sustain and it was forced to act.
Appearing in an El Paso, Texas, courtroom last Monday, dressed in a
red prison suit and bullet-proof vest, Posada renewed his request for
asylum. His lawyer argued that his green card is still valid and
requested that the case be moved to Miami.
The judge set an August 29 trial date and will decide next Friday
whether to grant the self-confessed terrorist bail. The immigration
trial is seen by Venezuela as a stalling tactic to obstruct the far
more serious issue of extradition.
“The US government should not believe that, because it is delaying the
process, the people are going to give in,” said Nicolas Maduro,
president of the Venezuelan parliament. This week, Maduro announced
that a parliamentary delegation had been sent to Washington to demand
Posada’s extradition.
That message was echoed by protesters around the world, with millions
taking to the streets in Cuba and Venezuela. Outside the El Paso
courtroom on Monday and in 13 other cities across the US,
demonstrations were held by anti-war coalition ANSWER.
On the same day, solidarity activists from Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia
and Bolivia campaigns picketed the US embassy in London. Protests have
also been held in Mexico, Spain, Portugal and the Philippines.
The problem for Bush is that, if he backs down, it will be seen as a
major propaganda victory for Chavez and Castro, whom he views as
deadly enemies. Both are left-wing charismatic leaders who give their
people hope instead of fear and invest their nations’ resources in
health care and education rather than weapons and the stock-market.
The US backed a failed coup against Chavez in 2002 and it has
consistently labeled him a “negative force.” As well as providing an
energy lifeline to Cuba by bartering oil for doctors, he has
successfully torpedoed the neoliberal FTAA agreement, promoting his
own “Bolivarian” alternative based on co-operation not competition
between countries. The US imports 15 per cent of its oil from
Luis Posada is an old man who has dedicated his life to terrorising
progressive movements in Latin America on behalf of the US. But one of
the most dramatic allegations against him centres around some
terrorism a little closer to home. Compelling evidence exists
suggesting that Posada was part of the team that assassinated John F
Kennedy, on whom he blamed the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
“Who, in 1963, had the resources to assassinate Kennedy? Who had the
means and who had the motives to kill the US president?” asks Fabian
Escalante, former head of Cuban counter-intelligence. “CIA agents from
Operation 40 who were rabidly anti-Kennedy.”
Maria Lorenz was briefly Castro’s lover before being recruited by the
CIA. In 1985, she testified under oath that, the week before the JFK
assassination, she travelled from Miami to Dallas with members of
Operation 40 in two cars carrying weapons in the boots.
In a videotaped interview made shortly before he died, Chauncy Holt, a
self-confessed CIA asset and mobster, identified Posada as one of the
Cuban exiles who were in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination.
Whether he was involved or not, it is clear that Luis Posada is a
dangerous, vicious psychopath who should not be able to freely wander
the streets no matter who he works for. As Chavez puts it, “The US has
no choice, either send him to Venezuela or be seen by the world as
protecting terrorism.”
The US corporate elite, who are no fans of Chavez themselves, seem to
agree that Posada must be sent to Venezuela or US credibility in the
“war on terror” will be completely lost. All major newspapers support
the extradition, even the right-wing Miami Herald — aka the
“Coup-plotters’ Journal.”
Bush himself put it best when he said bluntly, shortly after September
11, “If you harbour terrorists, you are terrorists.” But will the CIA
ever let someone as knowledgeable as Posada spill the beans on all
their dirty tricks over these last four decades in Latin America?
For the last four weeks, Bolivian workers and peasants have been
mobilising demanding the nationalisation of the country's oil and gas
reserves. This movement represents the will of the majority of
Bolivians to win control over their natural resources. The oil and gas
multinationals have been benefiting from the country’s natural
resources through illegal contracts for years, while the majority of
Bolivians live under the poverty line.
Far from being a “radical minority” as president Mesa said, those who
demand nationalisation of gas are the majority, as was shown by the
open mass meeting that took place on June 6th in La Paz, with half a
million people present, and the continued strength of the general
strike, road blockades, mass marches and demonstrations.
We wholeheartedly support the legitimate demands of Bolivian workers
and peasants and give support to their movement and organisations and
the decisions they take about how to conduct their struggle.
We reject any attempt of the government or sections of parliament to
impose a military solution or the use of repression to put an end to
the protests. We also reject the attempts of the so-called “Civic
Committees” in Santa Cruz and other regions to use paramilitary gangs
against the peasant mobilisation.
We reject any foreign intervention. The solution to the problems facing
the Bolivian people must be in the hands of the people themselves,
without any interference from the Organisation of American States, the
United States, etc.
We appeal to the labour and trade union movement worldwide and to all
progressive people to show solidarity with the Bolivian workers and
peasants in these crucial moments, send solidarity resolutions, pass
motions, organise pickets of the embassies and oil multinationals, and
in general support our Bolivian brothers and sisters.
Further details from
Bolivia Solidarity Campaign
53 Fladgate Road
E11 1LX